Every season, when the trees change leaves, heaven and earth welcome a new cycle, and we, the children of Buddha, welcome another spring of Dhamma. More than 2,500 years ago, on the full moon of the fourth month, the Bodhisatta was born into the world. Thirty five years later, also on the full moon of the fourth month, he attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, bringing the light of wisdom to illuminate the path for all sentient beings. After 45 long years teaching and proliferating the Dhamma, again on the full moon of the fourth month, the Buddha passed away and entered parinibbāna.

The full moon day of April reminds the Buddhist devotees in the Dallas – Fort Worth area of a special event that took place exactly one year ago: the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for the Ancient Sacred Buddhist Scripture Stupas. It was at this ceremony that a bhikkhu made the great vow that:

“I shall devote the rest of my life, with every fiber of my being, to serve the Dhamma, through the construction of the Ancient Sacred Buddhist Scripture Stupas (Dhammacetiya), to preserve and study the Dhamma for many generations to come. If I am not blessed enough to finish the project in this life, I pledge to come back through the cycle of rebirths to continue my commitment and carry it to completion.”

The project is progressing step by step, imbued with joy, well wishes, and support from the Venerables, bhikkhus, bhikkhunis, and Buddhists all over the world.

This year, Vesak 2023 will be solemnly celebrated at Huong Dao Temple at 4:00 PM on Saturday, May 6, 2023 (on March 17 in the lunar calendar).