April 4, 2020
Dear Donors,
As you all know, we are facing the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic with more than 1,100,000 infected people and more than 60,000 deaths as of 04-04-2020. Every country is confronted by unprecedented economic, financial, and healthcare crises, causing the job market to collapse with serial layoffs and potential personal bankruptcies. The current healthcare crisis is very critical as doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers are fighting the Angel of Death in the frontline to protect their patients. These healthcare professionals are exposing themselves to grave risks of getting infected from their own patients while the personal protection equipments are in severe shortage, causing worries for them and their families.
For the general population, people are facing sad and sorrowful situations losing loved ones as fathers losing children, wife losing husband, siblings losing siblings. There are still many patients in critical conditions awaiting death. The struggle to make a living is becoming precarious, and unemployment is a constant worry while trying to make ends meet with daily expenses. The world population is confronting the historic pandemic with dark days that can stretch into many months. Oh, how can words describe adequately the loss and suffering?
With the current complicated problems as described, in the spirit of “Saving lives is like Fighting fires”, the non-profit Huong Tu Foundation wishes to contribute a token of labor and monetary assistance in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Huong Tu Foundation sincerely calls on everyone with a generous and golden heart in the five continents and the four seas to lend a hand in helping the COVID-19 victims. All members of the Huong Tu Foundation will contribute and volunteer our efforts without any financial compensation. We promise that all contributions from donors will be distributed as necessary medical equipments to the local hospitals, and to the pandemic victims based on their needs.
We wish all of you and families peace of mind, good health, and good luck to avoid the pandemic dangers and mental and physical hardship.
Venerable Bhikkhu Paññākāra
CEO – The Huong Tu Foundation
Vice President of Huong Dao Vipassana Bhavana Center
Treasurer: Vickie Huynh – 817-501-0346
Secretary: Minh Vu – 469-487-9212